Monday, August 18, 2014

Morning Message!

We all have the same 24 hours! We wake up to get our cake up and how you get it is up to you! How much work you put in to live your lifestyle, is up to you! It's Monday, the beginning of a new week! A fresh start. The opportunity to take another a step further than you were last week. The opportunity to Making your dreams come true. If u havnt started that journey. Start TODAY!! 

Jae Michelle 

Friday, August 15, 2014

J.Cole - Be Free [Tribute to Mike Brown]

Press PLAY while you read this!

Most of us have been staying glued to our Instagram accounts and televisions keeping up with the Mike Brown story. I usually don't have a comment until everything has played out. I don't think this situation is going to die down anytime soon!

I think this situation is different because this is the "straw that broke the camels back". I think the people are fed up. Not just black people. All people, the Human race as a whole. Because truth be told, black people aren't the only people who are victims of police brutality. I personally feel like enough is enough. I;m sure everyone else feels the same way. I am not a victim of police brutality but I have been harrassed, profiled and my vehicle illegaly searched in my city of Compton by two female cops. I wasn't even driving. My car was off and I was parked. It all goes hand in hand.

J.Cole has released this song "BE FREE" and It brought tears to my eyes. His voice is so infectious! J.Cole has also provided the audio of Mike Browns friend telling us what happened and you just feel like your right there! You feel like you witnessed the incident. You feel like it happened to you.

- Jae Michelle

Monday, August 4, 2014

The art of The chase: how things have changed!


These days I've been noticing that men who try to date me or are interested in me, they take a step back and wait for me to make the first move. I began to wonder where did men go wrong with pursuing women? When did it become okay for a man to step back and wait for a woman to call him, or wait until she says she wants to go out or even tell him the exact time, location and date she wants to step out with him!? 

I know a mans ego is VERY sensitive and I know that with women being "Independent" these days, men are more afraid of rejection than ever before. Instead of him saying "I want to take you out on Friday night at 8pm. I want to take you to this lovely restaurant with great food. You'll love it." the conversation is now " So, when can I take you out?" or "When will you be free to make some time for me?". In that moment your not being confident. You're already thinking of being turned down because of her "busy" schedule. Your not taking initiative and your not showing her that you are a firm leader. TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION! 

No matter how independent a woman seems. No matter how much she appears to be strong minded, walls up, I don't need a man attitude. At the end of the day we are still Woman. Soft, sensual, emotional creatures that need love, attention and a Man. A man who's going to be a MAN! If we know we can control you and have you on a string like a puppet. We will. If we know we can have you down on your knees begging us to "make time" for you so you can take us out on a date, what makes you think you will get any type of respect from her. 

The roles of women and men are getting too far reversed. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I still believe in a man pursing a woman, courting her and making her feel like shes the only woman for him. Most men will say, "Well when I plan the date, she doesn't like it, or she complains." If you have no clue what food she likes or some idea of what she likes to do before your first date, you haven't had much conversation. I don't want to tell you, where I want to go, What I want to eat, pick me up on August 5th at 5:45pm every single time we step out and especially not on a 1st date. You learn things a woman likes through conversation. TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION! Trust me, we want you to! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tameka "TINY" Harris - What the Fuck Would You Do

So, Tiny has this new song out! Honestly I forgot baby girl could sing! If you forgot too, Tiny is former member of R&B Group XSCAPE! This new song "WTFWYD" is definitely based on her real life relationship with her husband T.I. I think when we are in a relationship and times get hard or we've been putting up with so much you eventually have to ask your man; What would you do if all the things you're doing to me are getting done to you!? The two are still married and together in a relationship, which is a blessing! You go girl! Hopefully you give us more great music to jam to!

What do you think of the song?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Remy is Back!!

UPDATE: Remy Ma's release has been pushed back. She will remain in prison for 7 more days!


NY rapper Remy Ma is scheduled to be released from prison today! Remy Ma did a 6 year stint in jail for shooting a former friend for stealing over $3,000.00 in cash from her! A lot has changed in the music game within 6 years, if your not hip to who Remy Ma is, she, at the time was a member of Fat Joe's the "Terror Squad"! She was most known for her verse on the Fat Joe hit record "Lean Back" and her own hit single "Conceited". Remy Ma is also married to NY lyricist Pappoose!  

I'm excited about this release because Remy Ma was one of my favorite rappers at the time. Remy Ma's delivery is what attracted me to her music and her topics were relate-able. She was cute and sexy and she wasnt too hard core, as in sounding too tomboyish like Disturbing the Peaces' female lead Shaunna! I'm definitely looking forward to Remy getting back in the studio. I'm excited to hear how she's spitting now, if her style has changed and if she's still got it! Prison does change people, hopefully the change is for the better! 

- Jae Michelle

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Nicki Minaj - Pills N Potions

Nicki Minaj "Pills N Potions" video is finally here! She has THE GAME playing the love interest in the Video. The Video is very artsy and eclectic. I think its pretty dope being that the song its self doesn't keep my attention. Although it has a very catchy hook. Pills N Potions is the first single off of Nicki's new album "The Pink Print" Dropping this summer.

Friday, May 30, 2014

L.I.A.R Boutique pop up shop @ Pink Zebra

It's PINK FRIDAY!! I caught up with my L.I.A.R Boutique at The Pink Zebra'a pop up shop in ATL's Little 5 points! L.I.A.R ( Life  Is A Runway) Boutiqe offers exclusive pieces like the "high waist leopard tutu style skirt" an array of sundresses, accent pants and blazers! 

Shop L.I.A.R Boutique 

Follow L.I.A.R Boutique on Instagram/Twitter @Liarboutique 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I grew up reading her poetry. This poem taught me self confidence. Her literature was inspirational to me. The true definition of a confident woman was Dr. Angelou to me. She was one of the greats. You will be missed! 

Jae Michelle

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mr & Mrs. West

Kim and Kanye tied the knot over the weekend in France. the images are rolling out this morning. Kim looked beautiful in her gown. She looks very classic. The dress ain't your normal corset style or strapless dress. She looks beautiful. Rumor has it Kanye put the whole wedding together and Kim was left out of a lot of planning. Kanye is very detailed and very eccentric. I wouldn't trust any other straight man with planning my wedding! Congrats to them both! 

Monday, May 26, 2014

O.P.I NEON Collection!

Talk about EXCITED!!! The O.P.I Neon collection is AVAILABLE now!! I will be buying all 6! I've been waiting all Winter for this collection to be released and now its finally here. O.P.I is not available at every local Beauty supply but it is available at any ULTA! To be sure to get the colors you want, without having to shop around, I always turn to is exactly where I'll be making this purchase. I want all 6 at once and head straight to the nail shop!  

Pharrell's New Smell

Pharrell Williams is getting into the fragrance business!! This scent is to be a Unisex fragrance. Even though its called "GIRL", guys, don't let that discourage you! The fragrance is n collaboration with fashion designer Comme Des Garcons! It will be released in London September 1st! I can't wait to smell it! Hopefully it will be available online to purchase in the U.S! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Terrace Martin Ft. 9th Wonder - Angel

My good friend Terrace Martin re-released his album 3 Chord Fold, now available on itunes. Terrace is a song writer, producer and recording artist. He can sing, rap and play the shh** out his saxophone! This video is titled "ANGEL" featuring fellow Hip-Hop Producer 9th Wonder! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The New Era of Relationships!


 I'm noticing that it's taking a lot more than providing the basics in a relationship in order to become a wife or a husband. Its just not enough anymore. Times are changing! You could date for 3 months and become a couple in no time. Then be married within a year or two.

As a Woman all you had to do was take care of you man, your kids and keep your household together. Made sure your man was taken care of in the bedroom and everything was pretty much fine.

As a Man all you had to do was have a good job with benefits, provide a roof over everyone's head, a car for us to get around in and a couple of dollars to give to the kids for the ice cream truck.

You still have to provide the basics but I think a lot of people these days are looking for more. More from their mate and more from their relationship. We can easily blame television and social media. But then again, is it really a bad thing to want more from your mate. A lot of people are going for the "Power Couple" move. You know, back in the day, women stayed out of men's business. The times have changed. Men want their women to build with them. Men want women to be a BOSS like them. If the woman is a "BOSS" all on her own, she wants her man to match that. With that comes a different type of Trust and loyalty. I mean, if you're man had a good job and brought home a check, it's still considered your livelihood. But becoming a "Power Couple" is trusting someone with your life on a whole other level!

I think with that being said the qualities people are looking for in a mate are more complex. I think for these new relationship goals men and woman are expecting different qualities like: Secure, Ambitious, Independent, Business minded, Solid and Loyal! I think men are looking for woman who are stronger mentally. A woman who will stand up for herself, respectfully speaks her mind and doesn't settle for the type of treatment others thinks she should have. I think men are looking for women who will set the standard for herself, her business and her relationship. I think women are looking for the same in men, including a man who is willing to include his woman and to think of her as a member of the team. 

O.P.I Color of the Week:

Color(s) of the week! "Dining At Frisco" (Blue) & "Pussy Galore" Liqud Sand Collection (Pink). Follow me on Instagran @JaeMichelle22 and check out my hashtag #JaeMnails for other colors, styles and designs.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

August Alsina Suicide photo!

This image is disturbing!! August Alsina just posted this image on his Instagram, with the caption "Rest in Peace Aug. Forever missed #holdyoudownforlife" this could mean a number of things. Maybe it's art with a deep meaning. It could be a representation of NEW LIFE. The old him is dead. Could be just to get attention to generate album sales. I mean, art does imitate life but this is a bit extreme. Young people follow social media to the tee. Especially their favorite artists. They might think it's okay and it's a "cool" way out if they are thinking of ending it all. 

Is it too much or is it just art?? 

Sevyn Streeter ft. YG - Next

Sevyn Streeters new video! This is Sevyn's second single off of her album "Call Me Crazy, but..." Her first single was with the locked up Chris Brown "Don't stop" which was one of my favorite records for a long long time! I reccomend her EP which can be found on itunes. The best songs, in my opinion are "Sex on the ceiling" and "Shattered".

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

O.P.I Color of the Week!

I am a faithful O.P.I Nail Lacquer wearer! LOL! I have a nail rack full! I love shopping for new colors! I love when a NEW color collection is Released! 

This weeks color(s) are: "I Just Can't Cope-a-cabana" [Yellow]. This color is from the "BRAZIL" collection and "Alpine Snow" [White]. I'm not over joyed about my design but I tried a new shop. Designs weren't their strong suite but i love the "Coffin" style nail. Which I asked for, by the way. Coffin style nails are a new trend. They look good short or long! 

- Jae Michelle
Instagram & Twitter: @JaeMichelle22

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Really Miley!?

Bill O'riley spoke on Beyoncé having sex with her husband in the back of a limo.... Her HUSBAND y'all!! But look at what this "Pop Star", who has millions of little girls looking up to her. Your paying for your child to view soft porn. Not long ago she was acting out masturbation on stage, legs wide open. Look at what Miley Cyrus is doing to a blow up doll!! This is out of line! This is disgusting behavior. I think whatever show this city was in, she needs to be fined and banned. I think this part of her show needs to be cut. I think people should flood Mr. ORileys inbox about this behavior. I think people should speak up and not excuse it because she's a little white girl.

- Jae Michelle

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Best of the Met!

KIM K!! Soon to be Mrs. West! I love this dress! I love the color especially! I think the slit was perfect. Her make up, hair and shoes flowed perfectly. The pocket was a cute lil feature to the dress.

Model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
This dress is very fun and sexy, with leather and leopard print! It also looks comfortable! Because the Met Gala is all about being artistic in your clothes I can see why she wore this but this is also a dress I think you can wear out to the club!

Actress Hailee Stenfield
This dress is GORGEOUS!! I love the way it flares at the waist! You can almost never go wrong with Black & White! The shoes were completely OFF! With the peep shoes feature at the bottom of the dress. She should have worn a black heel.

Erykah Badu! No GIRL, NO! Just NO! 

Emma Stone! I love her most in her natural red hair! The skirt itself stands out to me. Even though this is a casual outfit its looks so pretty and it's still so appropriate for this event!

Queen BEY!! Gorgeous! I love the black. Its shimmery which brings more attention to the sheer parts of the dress. I love the old time Hollywood veil! She is Flawless!

Dita Von Teese! I love how this dress shows off her hour glass shape. The mermaid style dress enhances her shape. The color red plays beautifully off of her pale skin but the top seems like it just doesn't fit right! Still, she is killing this dress!

The Met Gala, formally called the Costume Institute Gala and also known as the Met Ball, is an annual fundraising gala for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute. It also serves as an opening celebration for the institute's annual fashion exhibit.

--  Jae Michelle

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hey everybody. You usually just get words on a screen from me. I'm going to attempt to keep up with a Video Blog. Although writing comes natural to me this is an era of visuals! So!! Here is my introduction. I attemted to edit the video myself! LOL. My first time! I found out the quality of my web cam is TRASH and picking up audio isnt that great either! But that's not a bad thing. It will show growth in future videos! Listen and watch carefully! You probably have to turn off all Tv's and radios to here me but...... HERE I AM!! 

IF YOU HAVE ANY TOPICS YOU WANT ME TO COMMENT ON. Leave your suggestions in the comments on ANY post or email me at SUBJECT: BLOGSPOT TOPIC

- Jae Michelle
IG - @JaeMichelle22
Twitter - @Jaemichelle22


June 25 – Miami, FL Sun Life Stadium
June 28 – Cincinnati, OH Great American Ballpark
July 1 – Foxborough, MA Gillette Stadium
July 5 – Philadelphia, PA Citizen’s Bank Park
July 7 – Baltimore, MD M & T Bank Stadium
July 9 – Toronto, ON Rogers Centre
July 11 – East Rutherford, NJ MetLife Stadium
July 15 – Atlanta, GA Georgia Dome
July 18 – Houston, TX Minute Maid Park
July 20 – New Orleans, LA Mercedes-Benz Superdome
July 22 – Dallas, TX AT&T Stadium
July 24 – Chicago, IL Soldier Field
July 27 – Winnipeg, MB Investor Group Field
July 30 – Seattle, WA Safeco Field
August 2 – Los Angeles, CA Rose Bowl
August 5 – San Francisco, CA AT&T Park

As I promised the complete U.S tour dates for the ON THE RUN tour!! The Carters are about to take over the summer!! I'm going to do my BEST to be in attendance!!

- Jae Michelle


I'm really looking forward to the new season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta! Messy Messy Messy!!!! I LOVE IT!! LOL!! Mimi and Nikko sex tape scandal has upped the anticipation for this season! I cant wait to see how this plays out with Stevie J and Joselyn (Hey Maid!). I know Ms. Joseyln will have plenty to say!
Rashida and Kirk left off with a pending divorce and a new baby! A new baby that Kirk is questioning the paternity of, which is SHAAAAADY! Him and Rasheeda have been married for over a Decade! Kirk gets a paternity test done behind Rasheeda's back! What will happen when she find out!?

Shade, shade, SHADE honey!! Through out the season!! Premiers Monday May 5th!!

- Jae Michelle


Step behind the scenes with Mrs. Carter on the set of the video for PRETTY HURTS! I have to say as beautiful and as talented as Beyonce is, she seems very humble and down to earth. Her music has stayed relate-able through out the years. I'm just as much a fan as I was when Destinys Child debuted with NO NO NO NO NO! The fast and slow versions.

 .... Stay tuned for "ON THE RUN" tour dates!

- Jae Michelle

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Label Me A Hustler T-Shirt

Hello Ladies!! .... and Gentlemen! I dropped my T-shirt line "LABEL ME APPAREL". Available in Ladies and gentlemen T-shirts! You can check em out at 

HUSTLER - An enterprising person, Determined to success, a go-getter

Friday, April 25, 2014

Color of the week!

OPI color of the week! "Do you Lilac it" and "Crown Me already". The design for the week is the one nail in full glitter nail polish. If you have an Instagram check out my hashtag #JAEMNAILS for other OPI colors and designs!

IG @JaeMichelle22
Twitter @TheeJaeMichelle

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


So if you missed the Real House Wives of Atlanta Reunion part 1, then you missed the fight of the year! Everyone is talking about who should get fired. Porsha should get fired or Kenya should get fired! Some say BOTH! After I watched the reunion show it was clear to me that KENYA should be fired! Let me tell you why! Kenya was VERY provoking! She had the wand swinging all in Porsha's face! Kenya pulled out a bullhorn and was cutting Porsha off by yelling in her face! Kenya accused Porsha of cheating or Kordell and called Porsha a HOE! Kenya was definitely pushing Ms. Porsha's buttons. Porsha grabbed that wand and threw it on the ground! Then when Kenya pulled out that bullhorn Porsha got up out of her seat and draaaaaggged Kenya across the floor!

I do not condone violence. Violence is definitely not the answer BUT in a case where you are being bullied and disrespected you may have to put someone in their place and that's exactly what Porsha did! I do not feel sorry for Kenya. Kenya was asking for it. Porsha made a very good point while talking to host Andy Cohen. She said Kenya had been disrespecting her for the past 2 years. Which is TRUE!! Since day one, Kenya has called her a Bitch, a Hoe and any other name that has popped into Kenya's head. Well, we all know since this has all gone down which makes for a even BETTER story line for next season and neither Porsha nor Kenya will be fired! But Kenya did play SNITCHED and pressed charges against Porsha. I'll be here to keep you updated!

Jae Michelle

Friday, April 18, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Congrats Kandi!!

Congrats to KANDI and Todd for tieing the knot.... FINALLY!! If you havn't been keeping up with the show Real housewives of Atlanta, Kandi's mother momma joyce have been her biggest hater! Kandi and Todd made it down the isle anyway! On a fashion note what do you think of this dress!!?? I'm not feeling it!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

I aint sayin she a gold digger....

Women: Get you a good man, with a job a car and a house!
Men: I just want a woman to love me for me not what I have!

There are so many different scenarios between men, women and what makes someone a gold digger.
Let's go back in the day, when a man had to court a woman. He had to ask her father if he could date her for a period of time and then had to ask her father for her hand in marriage. The man had to have a job, a horse and shack for them to live in. The difference now is, that job has to come with benefits, that shack has to be a suitable house and that horse has to be two cars; his and hers. Most of the time she also needs to have a job of her own. 

Before we get to that point there is the dating process and finding a person to get serious with. You look at what you have to offer and your goals for the next five years. When you meet a guy/girl, you mentally make a comparison. What does he/she have to offer? How can we grow together? What can I contribute to his/her life? What can he/she contribute to mine? You wouldn't settle for less than what you feel you deserve, right? If you have set standards and is looking for a specific quality in a guy, you wouldn't be with someone who doesn't have those qualities, right? 

So why do people get a bad rep when they don't want to date someone who they feel is up to their standards. Its all about PREFERENCE. If I don't want to date a man who is in the mail room vs the man who's CEO, why does that ruffle a feather? If a man doesn't  want to date a woman who's the sales lady at Macy's but prefers the Executive assistant in the Macy's Corporate office, that is his preference. When you are at a certain age and you have your shit together you can prefer to date who you want. It Doesn't make you a GOLD DIGGER. If she rather date the guy with the Mercedes not the guy on the dirt bike or if she wants to pick up a bum off the street and help him get his life together, that's his/her PREFERENCE. Some people want to grow and build, some people just want to jump right in. It's ultimately up to you to decide who to date. You shouldn't feel bad for wanting someone who has something to bring to the table.

Maryann - You and Me

I love this song!!! Maryann - You and Me. This song was submitted to me for my other music website, but I had to share! Good music must be heard! Enjoy!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mila J #Westside

New Music by Mila J! I like the album its chill and sexy. Songs like "Better" and "All I Want is You" is some things all of ladies have been through! Enjoy!

I AM GREAT! Tyrese Gives His Daughter a lesson in Confidence

I think this is awesome! If more people had parents who instilled these type of values into their children, the world just MIGHT be a better place. Children need to learn self respect and confidence. When you feel good about yourself you don't go out of your way to make others feel terrible. Like the old saying goes. "Misery Loves Company!" Teach your kids not to RSVP for anyone's pity party and not to send out invitations of their own.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


My good friend Dj Charlie Hustle of The Core Djs has nominated me as "Hottie Of The Week"! Yaayy!! Even though I don't claim the "MODEL" title anymore I can still get down, ya heard!? So go check out the feature and my Q & A over at Click the link above!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Hey Ladies! Doing your eyebrows is an important thing now days. If you are clueless as to how to get a natural eyebrow while doing your make up, I pulled some tutorial videos from YouTube that may be of some assistance!

The first video is for the ladies who have full eyebrows. If you have full eyebrows and you just want to fill them in to give your self a complete made up look the first video shows you how to do that.


The second video is for the ladies who have little to no eyebrow. This video takes a little more time and product to accomplish but in the end your eyebrow will look full, natural and complete your look.

If you aren't sure which color pencil or products to use for your eyebrow, I suggest you go to your favorite or local make up counter and ask for help. My favorite Make-up one stop shop is Sephora. One of the ladies will pull products and show you how to get the look you need. Ask for a full eyebrow kit, then pick which products are right for you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SHOTS FIRED!!! Evelyn Lozada goes IN on Wendy Williams

So yesterday Wendy Williams congratulated Evelyn Lozada & her Fiance Carl Crawford on their new born son by calling him a "cash register". Eveyln just took to twitter hitting Wendy Williams with a K.O!! Wendy Williams also said that Evelyn should open a her shoe boutique in Los Angeles. Evelyn responded by saying her Husband would love that sine he purchased shoes from her store in Miami for another woman!! SHOTS FIRED!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


When you Google Image the word SEXY, Lots of half naked men and women in lingerie pop up! Apparently that's the worlds definition of sexy but to the average man, it's not. Again I took to FaceBook asking my males followers; "What is about a woman that makes her sexy?" Most of the answers have to do with your personality, ambition, your character and your boy shorts. LOL! 

Most women think a sexy outfit , short dress, tight jeans, the color of your lipstick or the color and design on your nails. In reality they could care less. I think we get all dolled up for our selves, because us as girls just like to dress up. Honestly to a man its how you carry your self when you're covered in those pretty things. A man can see through all of that simply by the words that come out of your mouth or how far you have your nose in the air. Sexy is something that comes natural. Sexy is something you don't have to try to be. Its something inside of you that just shines! Usually its noticed when your simply being you. 

Follow me on Twitter @TheeJaeMichelle

Monday, March 24, 2014

L.I.A.R Boutique pop up shop


I stopped by Threadz Atlanta men's boutique for my girl Brittaney Denise's pop up shop for her online store L.I.A.R Boutique. L.I.A.R stands for LIFE IS A RUNWAY! Life is definitely a runway and you need to strut down that cat walk with your head held high and looking FAB! We had bottomless mimosa's, lots of girl talk and of course SHOPPING! I purchased a cute high waist leopard print, shimmery skirt, which you can find on the web site. When I wear it you will get the first sighting! Shop online at and keep going back for the new spring pieces coming soon!

Instagram: @LIARBoutique


One thing i CAN say about Chris Brown is the boy can dance! His new album will drop later on this year so be on the look out for that! Hopefully he can stay away from the law and just keep bringing us good music!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Follow me!

TWITTER: @TheeJaeMichelle

INSTAGRAM: @JaeMichelle22

Ooh Baby I like it RAW!

I often wonder the logic behind a man giving you everything except a title. A man will wine and dine you, buy you gifts, socialize together, travel and give you the D..... RAW! When you speak of making it official, I mean we're playing house anyway right? Why not make it official? Then you get every excuse under the sun as to why the time isn't right or we're still getting to know each other. In the same breath your trying to give me the uncooked sausage!

Some men have their priorities mixed up and most of them are just confused. Maybe someone can explain this logic to me. I really don't get it. They don't want to be used but they are putting themselves in that situation and then start to look at the woman crazy because she's talking about a relationship. Well we are looking at you like your crazy! We look at you like your confused! Maybe it's the way you weed out the good ones from the bad ones. I wouldn't exactly say our leading women on, maybe your honestly working toward giving her a title but I feel like until then there shouldn't be any RAW gifts exchanged, that's when shit gets real!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

On The Fence - Fly Young Red

Okay, so, I came across this video and BEFORE YOU WATCH it let me say! 2 Things. 1. I am all for self expression. This is a free country we are all FREE to express ourselves. 2. Even though we are all equal I'm not okay with this being a rap song. I think Hip Hop has come way too far. I'm all for honesty but we are are not ready to have things like this mainstream. The reason I was debating on blogging about it is because I never want to PROMOTE things that I don't agree 100% with. With that being said, take a look!

At first I was a bit confused at the title and the lyrics. I thought it was like any other rap song that refers to sex. Throw that boy pussy like, give me that box! BUT NO, that's not what he's saying! He's referring to the anus as a BOY'S PUSSY! *Shocking* Not to mention I didn't notice the dancers were guys until further along in the video.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

From The Girlfriend to the Alter

They say a man knows in 6 months if he wants to spend the rest of his life with his woman. Let's be CLEAR on the type of MAN I am talking about. The one at an particular age, his career is in a stable place with room to grow, he is done playing the field, to him his life is together and he is READY. With that being said, if you are in a relationship how long is too long to just be the girlfriend?

Some people may say marriage isn't for everyone, or you shouldn't put a time limit on love, or it depends on the person etc etc. In reality when your ready, your ready. You have a plan for your life and you find someone else who has a plan you two come together and create a life together. Though you may love that person with all your heart, the two may not be on the same page at the same time. He may be ready and she may not be ready, so what do you do? That's where it gets complicated. That's where the list of Pros and Cons come out! 

You don't want to "waste" any time. You don't want to be "stuck" in this situation meaning, they say soon, soon, soon but your LOVE for that person keeps you there and before you know it, your old and gray in a relationship for 10 years with a person who was perfectly comfortable in the situation and has been leading you on for years. You don't want to keep giving away the Milk for free, meaning treating the person as your wife or husband when they wont even put your relationship on a pedestal by giving you the ultimate title.

As a woman in my early 30's with no children, when I date I ask those key questions. Do you WANT to be married one day? Do you want to have children (if he doesn't have any already)? If he does have a child or two (that's my limit), I ask Are you willing to have more? I ask because at my age I want a husband and a child and if this man doesn't want the same things, what is the point in building a relationship? Both people need to want the same things. If not you will never truly be happy in your relationship. You will always feel like something is missing or you missed out on something. If we both agree to be married and we've reached that crossroads in our relationship, we need to take steps toward that goal. It should not take more than 2 years for you to put a ring on it and walk down the aisle.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Jhene Aiko - Afternoon Dream


So, first things first. Master P won't acknowledge that his wife wants a divorce! He won't accept, sign or even LOOK at the divorce papers. As if they are going to magically disappear. smh. So while his wife waits on this process to pan out, she had to sign up for welfare to take care of her youngest children and had to even move in with LIL Romeo!

In the state of California where the reside the law says, since there was no prenup signed its not HIS money, its THEIR money. So before you men get all pumped up about money, yelling "She wasn't wit me shooting in tha gym!" Well, she was. She helped build his empire. A marriage is a union as ONE. She was married to him for 20 years, birthed and raised his children and stayed with him while he conceived two other children in another country.

Hopefully when the divorce proceedings begin Mr. P will do the right thing by the woman he came up with and their children. At the end of the day only the children will suffer. I think out of 200 million dollars he can squeeze out a few coins.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I'm for the #banbossy movement! I think in most cases when you call a girl bossy it may cause her to speak less and not be forthright with ideas or opinions. When you grow into a woman they used the other B word. B I T C H!

I say speak your mind, stand your ground and follow your heart! When you believe in something stand by it and make it happen. People are always going to have something negative to say weather your doing good or bad in life. Not everyone will agree with you and that's not your business either. Focus on your goals and dreams. Maybe one day those same people who had so much to say about you will be following your lead!


for more info visit

What Happened Porsha!?

GIRL!! How the hell did you marry a 22 Million dollar man for 5 years, with no prenup and come out of that divorce with ZERO!? How is that even legally possible. Girl where did you go wrong!? Who was YOUR lawyer?! I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the divorce proceedings!

So Ms. Porsha received the Mercedes she already owned. Her clothes and belongings and her wedding ring. She got no alimony, No houses, Mr. Stewart keeps 100% profits of his businesses, He does not have to share his NFL retirement benefit and word on the street is Porsha may be getting dropped from The Real Housewives of Atlanta! I would rather see her stay on! The struggle should be televised!! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Highlight & Contour [Tutorial]

Hello ladies, you probably have noticed the new "IN" thing for your make-up is Contouring and Highlighting of the face. Usually this technique is used for the movies or photo shoots or video shoots, now ladies are doing it for their every day evening and night looks.

If you are not familiar with make up or if you are like myself who likes the natural look, all the applications make looks scary but if it's done right the outcome will be beautiful. You don't have to wear it every day or on a quick run to Target. You can Contour and Highlight as you see fit. Me, I would Contour and Highlight if I were going to a red carpet event or out on the town with my ladies, when I know there will be lots of pictures taken.

I found this tutorial via Youtube check it out and if you need to pause and take notes, you should. Don't be ashamed to take your questions to your desired make-up counter and have the professionals help you out. Enjoy!

Video by: Lipstickmafia01
Instagram: _AsianDope_

Really Mr. O'Reilly?

MR. O'REILLY is out of line for this! Beyonce' is a married woman but first she is a GROWN woman! Beyonce' is a mother and pop artist. She is not to mold the lost little girls of the world!! If anything she is a great roll model because she has a career. She's never been in the media dating a lot of different men like most of these starlets. She was married BEFORE she had her daughter. I think Bill should look at these facts and I get Russell wasn't trying to touch the subject but he could have done a better job at defending the song but then again, that's not his job.

This song "Partition", nor does any other SEX DRIVEN song, which is 99% of music, has any effect on the community anymore than it did before this song came out. Partition will not be the last sex driven song to be made or played. As far as Bey being a role model. No, not all the way. Maybe partially. I can see a woman being INSPIRED by her, saying I want a career first, build a relationship/friendship/partnership with my husband and then have a child. Great. I think Bill has it all wrong. He didn't get enough with Ludacris!?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Upnextis... Shawn O

I caught up witch Shawn O of Tat Squad tattoos all while I got myself a tattoo! We talk about how he got started in the tatt business, what it takes to be a great tattoo artist and why you should be careful when picking a tattoo artists for the first time! Check it out!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Good Morning!!


There's nothing like when you roll over in the morning, eyes still half closed, breath funky, hair all over your head , you reach for your phone and there it is! A "Good Morning" text! Then you crack a smile :-) 

So what's the big deal about a simple text message. Well, it's not just a simple text message. According to my family and friends on Facebook, a Good Morning text makes you feel good, it makes you feel like you are thought of . Not only thought of but I was the first thing on your mind when you woke up. It lets you know the person is interested in you and they are putting in a little effort to show you that you are on their mind.

Which is why I love Good Morning texts! I love when the feelings are mutual between the two of us and you know that you are on someone's mind. I also feel that the Good Morning texts should be mutual. I feel that whoever wakes up first should send the message. Don't WAIT on the person to say it first, that's childish. Don't wait and then you're mad, sending out texts like "oh, so you can't say good morning!" Yes men do it too!!  That just sends out bad vibes too early in the morning. The goal is put a smile on someone's face and let them know they are thought of with two simple words: Good Morning :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


O.P.I Liquid Sand nail Lacquer is the hottest and coolest nail polish right now! It sets as a matte textured finish in beautiful and bold colors! Here is a tutorial video on how to apply the Lacquer. Its not as different as the usual lacquer, still very easy. Check it out!


 Cool right!! Its so simple to apply and remove. Are you into designs? Here's a gallery of ideas to design your nails with the new O.P.I Liquid Sand nail Lacquer!

  image You can find O.P.I Nail Lacquer at any ULTA store or your local beauty supply store (if they sell it). A sure fire way to get the exact color you desire is to download the O.P.I app to your smart phone or tablet, find the name of the color, and purchase online at AMAZON.COM! You will not be able to purchase O.P.I from their website!


  While its chilly outside or your in the warm sunshine; Think Pink!! Pink gives you that pop of color that brings out those gorgeous lips!! Weather you have a nude shadow or a color shadow a Pink lip will top off your look for the day!
Try these products NARS "Satin Lip Pencil", NARS Lipstick "Shiap", TOO FACED LA CREME, Color Drenched Lip Cream "Razzle Dazzle Rose" or NARS Lip Gloss "Pillow Talk". All products range from $25 to $30, You can purchase these products at your local SEPHORA or on the cosmetics' brand website!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Growing up women are taught "If he wants you, he will do whatever he can do to get you." The man is supposed to court us, open our doors, pull out our chair, send us flowers and even ask our parents for our hand in marriage. The man has to SHOW us that we are the one that he wants but what if he doesn't know your the one that he wants?

Now what!?

We are taught to, not be too clingy, don't push too hard, don't make your self too available or he won't be interested, don't call him first let him call you, don't show your cards too soon, why buy the cow when the milk is free and the most famous one.... He's going to think your CRAZY!

So you want this guy, but what do you do? What do you do without breaking all the rules and still make him follow the rules that are set for a man  Is it wrong in this new generation for a woman to slightly make her self available with out being overly available. Is it possible to be persistent with out being pushy? Can't we bring old rules and fuse them with new rules?

Through all these rules there is a very thin line. I say go for it! Set boundaries and time frames for yourself. If you feel like your doing too much, fall back. If it's taking up too much of your time, let it go. But you will never know unless you try!

By Jae Michelle

Upnextis... Dj Montay

I met up with Dj Montay of Oomp Camp records over at HOT 1079 . We talked about his accomplishments in the music industry and what hes working on now. Follow Dj Montay on instagram at @TheRealDjMontay and check out