Monday, March 17, 2014


So, first things first. Master P won't acknowledge that his wife wants a divorce! He won't accept, sign or even LOOK at the divorce papers. As if they are going to magically disappear. smh. So while his wife waits on this process to pan out, she had to sign up for welfare to take care of her youngest children and had to even move in with LIL Romeo!

In the state of California where the reside the law says, since there was no prenup signed its not HIS money, its THEIR money. So before you men get all pumped up about money, yelling "She wasn't wit me shooting in tha gym!" Well, she was. She helped build his empire. A marriage is a union as ONE. She was married to him for 20 years, birthed and raised his children and stayed with him while he conceived two other children in another country.

Hopefully when the divorce proceedings begin Mr. P will do the right thing by the woman he came up with and their children. At the end of the day only the children will suffer. I think out of 200 million dollars he can squeeze out a few coins.

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