Tuesday, March 25, 2014


When you Google Image the word SEXY, Lots of half naked men and women in lingerie pop up! Apparently that's the worlds definition of sexy but to the average man, it's not. Again I took to FaceBook asking my males followers; "What is about a woman that makes her sexy?" Most of the answers have to do with your personality, ambition, your character and your boy shorts. LOL! 

Most women think a sexy outfit , short dress, tight jeans, the color of your lipstick or the color and design on your nails. In reality they could care less. I think we get all dolled up for our selves, because us as girls just like to dress up. Honestly to a man its how you carry your self when you're covered in those pretty things. A man can see through all of that simply by the words that come out of your mouth or how far you have your nose in the air. Sexy is something that comes natural. Sexy is something you don't have to try to be. Its something inside of you that just shines! Usually its noticed when your simply being you. 

Follow me on Twitter @TheeJaeMichelle

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