Thursday, May 22, 2014

The New Era of Relationships!


 I'm noticing that it's taking a lot more than providing the basics in a relationship in order to become a wife or a husband. Its just not enough anymore. Times are changing! You could date for 3 months and become a couple in no time. Then be married within a year or two.

As a Woman all you had to do was take care of you man, your kids and keep your household together. Made sure your man was taken care of in the bedroom and everything was pretty much fine.

As a Man all you had to do was have a good job with benefits, provide a roof over everyone's head, a car for us to get around in and a couple of dollars to give to the kids for the ice cream truck.

You still have to provide the basics but I think a lot of people these days are looking for more. More from their mate and more from their relationship. We can easily blame television and social media. But then again, is it really a bad thing to want more from your mate. A lot of people are going for the "Power Couple" move. You know, back in the day, women stayed out of men's business. The times have changed. Men want their women to build with them. Men want women to be a BOSS like them. If the woman is a "BOSS" all on her own, she wants her man to match that. With that comes a different type of Trust and loyalty. I mean, if you're man had a good job and brought home a check, it's still considered your livelihood. But becoming a "Power Couple" is trusting someone with your life on a whole other level!

I think with that being said the qualities people are looking for in a mate are more complex. I think for these new relationship goals men and woman are expecting different qualities like: Secure, Ambitious, Independent, Business minded, Solid and Loyal! I think men are looking for woman who are stronger mentally. A woman who will stand up for herself, respectfully speaks her mind and doesn't settle for the type of treatment others thinks she should have. I think men are looking for women who will set the standard for herself, her business and her relationship. I think women are looking for the same in men, including a man who is willing to include his woman and to think of her as a member of the team. 

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