Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hey everybody. You usually just get words on a screen from me. I'm going to attempt to keep up with a Video Blog. Although writing comes natural to me this is an era of visuals! So!! Here is my introduction. I attemted to edit the video myself! LOL. My first time! I found out the quality of my web cam is TRASH and picking up audio isnt that great either! But that's not a bad thing. It will show growth in future videos! Listen and watch carefully! You probably have to turn off all Tv's and radios to here me but...... HERE I AM!! 

IF YOU HAVE ANY TOPICS YOU WANT ME TO COMMENT ON. Leave your suggestions in the comments on ANY post or email me at Jaemichelle22@gmail.com SUBJECT: BLOGSPOT TOPIC

- Jae Michelle
IG - @JaeMichelle22
Twitter - @Jaemichelle22

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