Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Growing up women are taught "If he wants you, he will do whatever he can do to get you." The man is supposed to court us, open our doors, pull out our chair, send us flowers and even ask our parents for our hand in marriage. The man has to SHOW us that we are the one that he wants but what if he doesn't know your the one that he wants?

Now what!?

We are taught to, not be too clingy, don't push too hard, don't make your self too available or he won't be interested, don't call him first let him call you, don't show your cards too soon, why buy the cow when the milk is free and the most famous one.... He's going to think your CRAZY!

So you want this guy, but what do you do? What do you do without breaking all the rules and still make him follow the rules that are set for a man  Is it wrong in this new generation for a woman to slightly make her self available with out being overly available. Is it possible to be persistent with out being pushy? Can't we bring old rules and fuse them with new rules?

Through all these rules there is a very thin line. I say go for it! Set boundaries and time frames for yourself. If you feel like your doing too much, fall back. If it's taking up too much of your time, let it go. But you will never know unless you try!

By Jae Michelle

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