Monday, April 7, 2014

I aint sayin she a gold digger....

Women: Get you a good man, with a job a car and a house!
Men: I just want a woman to love me for me not what I have!

There are so many different scenarios between men, women and what makes someone a gold digger.
Let's go back in the day, when a man had to court a woman. He had to ask her father if he could date her for a period of time and then had to ask her father for her hand in marriage. The man had to have a job, a horse and shack for them to live in. The difference now is, that job has to come with benefits, that shack has to be a suitable house and that horse has to be two cars; his and hers. Most of the time she also needs to have a job of her own. 

Before we get to that point there is the dating process and finding a person to get serious with. You look at what you have to offer and your goals for the next five years. When you meet a guy/girl, you mentally make a comparison. What does he/she have to offer? How can we grow together? What can I contribute to his/her life? What can he/she contribute to mine? You wouldn't settle for less than what you feel you deserve, right? If you have set standards and is looking for a specific quality in a guy, you wouldn't be with someone who doesn't have those qualities, right? 

So why do people get a bad rep when they don't want to date someone who they feel is up to their standards. Its all about PREFERENCE. If I don't want to date a man who is in the mail room vs the man who's CEO, why does that ruffle a feather? If a man doesn't  want to date a woman who's the sales lady at Macy's but prefers the Executive assistant in the Macy's Corporate office, that is his preference. When you are at a certain age and you have your shit together you can prefer to date who you want. It Doesn't make you a GOLD DIGGER. If she rather date the guy with the Mercedes not the guy on the dirt bike or if she wants to pick up a bum off the street and help him get his life together, that's his/her PREFERENCE. Some people want to grow and build, some people just want to jump right in. It's ultimately up to you to decide who to date. You shouldn't feel bad for wanting someone who has something to bring to the table.

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