Friday, March 7, 2014

Good Morning!!


There's nothing like when you roll over in the morning, eyes still half closed, breath funky, hair all over your head , you reach for your phone and there it is! A "Good Morning" text! Then you crack a smile :-) 

So what's the big deal about a simple text message. Well, it's not just a simple text message. According to my family and friends on Facebook, a Good Morning text makes you feel good, it makes you feel like you are thought of . Not only thought of but I was the first thing on your mind when you woke up. It lets you know the person is interested in you and they are putting in a little effort to show you that you are on their mind.

Which is why I love Good Morning texts! I love when the feelings are mutual between the two of us and you know that you are on someone's mind. I also feel that the Good Morning texts should be mutual. I feel that whoever wakes up first should send the message. Don't WAIT on the person to say it first, that's childish. Don't wait and then you're mad, sending out texts like "oh, so you can't say good morning!" Yes men do it too!!  That just sends out bad vibes too early in the morning. The goal is put a smile on someone's face and let them know they are thought of with two simple words: Good Morning :-)

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