Monday, August 18, 2014

Morning Message!

We all have the same 24 hours! We wake up to get our cake up and how you get it is up to you! How much work you put in to live your lifestyle, is up to you! It's Monday, the beginning of a new week! A fresh start. The opportunity to take another a step further than you were last week. The opportunity to Making your dreams come true. If u havnt started that journey. Start TODAY!! 

Jae Michelle 

Friday, August 15, 2014

J.Cole - Be Free [Tribute to Mike Brown]

Press PLAY while you read this!

Most of us have been staying glued to our Instagram accounts and televisions keeping up with the Mike Brown story. I usually don't have a comment until everything has played out. I don't think this situation is going to die down anytime soon!

I think this situation is different because this is the "straw that broke the camels back". I think the people are fed up. Not just black people. All people, the Human race as a whole. Because truth be told, black people aren't the only people who are victims of police brutality. I personally feel like enough is enough. I;m sure everyone else feels the same way. I am not a victim of police brutality but I have been harrassed, profiled and my vehicle illegaly searched in my city of Compton by two female cops. I wasn't even driving. My car was off and I was parked. It all goes hand in hand.

J.Cole has released this song "BE FREE" and It brought tears to my eyes. His voice is so infectious! J.Cole has also provided the audio of Mike Browns friend telling us what happened and you just feel like your right there! You feel like you witnessed the incident. You feel like it happened to you.

- Jae Michelle

Monday, August 4, 2014

The art of The chase: how things have changed!


These days I've been noticing that men who try to date me or are interested in me, they take a step back and wait for me to make the first move. I began to wonder where did men go wrong with pursuing women? When did it become okay for a man to step back and wait for a woman to call him, or wait until she says she wants to go out or even tell him the exact time, location and date she wants to step out with him!? 

I know a mans ego is VERY sensitive and I know that with women being "Independent" these days, men are more afraid of rejection than ever before. Instead of him saying "I want to take you out on Friday night at 8pm. I want to take you to this lovely restaurant with great food. You'll love it." the conversation is now " So, when can I take you out?" or "When will you be free to make some time for me?". In that moment your not being confident. You're already thinking of being turned down because of her "busy" schedule. Your not taking initiative and your not showing her that you are a firm leader. TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION! 

No matter how independent a woman seems. No matter how much she appears to be strong minded, walls up, I don't need a man attitude. At the end of the day we are still Woman. Soft, sensual, emotional creatures that need love, attention and a Man. A man who's going to be a MAN! If we know we can control you and have you on a string like a puppet. We will. If we know we can have you down on your knees begging us to "make time" for you so you can take us out on a date, what makes you think you will get any type of respect from her. 

The roles of women and men are getting too far reversed. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I still believe in a man pursing a woman, courting her and making her feel like shes the only woman for him. Most men will say, "Well when I plan the date, she doesn't like it, or she complains." If you have no clue what food she likes or some idea of what she likes to do before your first date, you haven't had much conversation. I don't want to tell you, where I want to go, What I want to eat, pick me up on August 5th at 5:45pm every single time we step out and especially not on a 1st date. You learn things a woman likes through conversation. TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION! Trust me, we want you to! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Tameka "TINY" Harris - What the Fuck Would You Do

So, Tiny has this new song out! Honestly I forgot baby girl could sing! If you forgot too, Tiny is former member of R&B Group XSCAPE! This new song "WTFWYD" is definitely based on her real life relationship with her husband T.I. I think when we are in a relationship and times get hard or we've been putting up with so much you eventually have to ask your man; What would you do if all the things you're doing to me are getting done to you!? The two are still married and together in a relationship, which is a blessing! You go girl! Hopefully you give us more great music to jam to!

What do you think of the song?