Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Ok, well I don't have anything different to say than anybody else on this topic! There was a tinge of hope being that there was an all women jury, you would think they would have some type of sympathy but then again we don't know what they were thinking, if they have children of their own, if they cared either way or (drum roll) they are against the black race. On the bright side of this tragedy, People, not just black people are taking a stand & not just talking about making changes by protesting and actually trying to change the laws. We can black out or screens savers on Instagram, twitter & Facebook, we can march and protest for justice but it does not change the LAWS. It did not change the mind of those 6 jurors. It did not change the mind of Zimmerman. 

1 comment:

  1. It is just a sad situation all around. We as black people say we want justice but we do nothing in our community to show we want justice. Killing each other, disrespecting each other and nothing positive to show for. When we start with ourselves maybe justice will prevail.
