Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Artist Etiquette

Your an artists. True most artists when not "on" are quiet and keep to themselves, but what you should realize is your always "ON" even when you don't want to be. Even in those moments when your directing someone to your management and/or P.R, you still have to be somewhat friendly & open while networking or when someone is trying to network with you. Remember: We (media) are here to help you! Someone heard your music and saw your perform and said "hey, that was pretty dope! I'd like an interview or to post their music, or put them in a show..." etc etc.

Whether its a tiny blog with 20 people who follow them or a huge site with millions, that's 20 more people who DIDN'T know who you were. Plus you don't know who knows who. Just because YOU never heard of them it doesn't mean their a NOBODY. You never know who people know & your NOT FAMOUS so relax!

Fuck with those that fuck with you! - :-)

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