Thursday, April 9, 2015

Black Lives Matter

Time Magazine cover story "Black Lives Matter" tells me; A Change is coming! Although this is not the first time a cop has been charged but it's the first time in a long time. It's at a time where a transition is desperately needed!
Police brutality has gotten totally out of hand. The faith in the justice system has been more than shaken. It has been abandoned. Not only by blacks but by whites and other races as well. The killings are becoming more and more petty.
They (the powers that be) probably feel as if we've taken away our faith in them, it takes away their power & their money. At one point we believed in Law inforcement. We called on them for help. We respected them. As kids some of wanted to be cops. Now we don't need them, we don't want their help, we don't respect them and some of us fear them. I guess their getting the picture.
Protect & Serve not Torture & Kill!

1 comment:

  1. "馬頭明王"




    {南無大方廣佛華嚴經} {南無華嚴海會佛菩薩}
