Sunday, August 4, 2013

The past is the past.... right?

Male or female we all have a past. Why judge? Why dwell on it? What's done is done and it shouldn't affect a new relationship. That's easier said than done for most. Men have pride and ego that flows deeper than any woman's emotions.

Some would say "a real man" won't care what his friends say or think. In a perfect world, the comment of a home boy won't make your man give you the side eye and he wont keep that thought in the back of his mind cocked back and ready to shoot at any moment his ego or pride is bruised!

So they get a girl "no one knows". Which is far from reality. His imnediate circle may not, but someone does & she does have a past. This good girl you thought u had, was created in your imagination. She turned out to be the worst! When reality kicks in, you'll realize the one all your friends gossiped about and said u shouldnt be with was the best thing going for you. She was on your team , she was honest, she was solid and at the end of the day she loved you unconditionally.

Choose wisely!

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